It’s Just Bodybuilding, 30: evan centopani.
It’s Just Bodybuilding 30: Evan Centopani. Big Ron Partlow and Dusty Hanshaw talk to one of the OG hardcore bodybuilders, as he gets ready to make his return to the New York Pro Stage...
The Advices Radio Network
The Advices Radio Network (ARN) is on a mission to bring new and unique perspectives to
bodybuilding podcasting. ARN explores all facets of the bodybuilding world through a
wide variety of programs, from powerful editorial stories and insights from the top minds
in the industry, to recommendations for health and longevity and bodybuilding media reviews.
If you’re hungry to hear about more than just sets and reps, and are ready to dig deeper into
bodybuilding culture, put on your headphones, turn the volume up, and tune in to ARN - you're
about to embark on a journey that will expand your mind and infinitely grow your love of bodybuilding.
It’s Just Bodybuilding 30: Evan Centopani. Big Ron Partlow and Dusty Hanshaw talk to one of the OG hardcore bodybuilders, as he gets ready to make his return to the New York Pro Stage...
Drugs n Stuff 46: Steroids in Law Enforcement. Hosted by Dave Crosland and Scott McNally
Blood Sweat & Gear 80 - Bodybuilding QA Podcast with Skip Hill, S2H and Scott McNally
Presented by Code: ADVICES
It’s Just Bodybuilding 29 with IFBB Pros Big Ron Partlow and Dusty Hanshaw. This week, Arnold Classic Predictions and Coach’s Corner!
Drugs n Stuff 45: Steroids in the New! 1. Athlete wins doping case, claiming she tested positive from her boyfriend’s bodily fluids. 2. The news is warning that men are using steroids to obtain “Love Island” beach bodies. And turns out Dave worked security for a Love Island star??...
Advices Radio 123: Steroid Law with Attorney Rick Collins. Rick explains the legal history of steroids in the USA. Then talks about the legal status of “Research Chems”, Peptides and SARMs. He also shares a great story of defending a female bodybuilding being changed with selling steroids. With Host Scott McNally...
Advices Radio 122: Grow Muscle Naturally with Natural Mr Olympia John Hansen. John talks about the training nutritional style that he found has worked the best to develop and maintain his physique.
And check out John’s seminar, March 21-22 in Tampa Fl. Visit for details...
It’s Just Bodybuilding 28: IFBB Pro Anth Bailes. With hosts IFBB Pro’s Big Ron Partlow and Dusty Hanshaw Anth talks about the first time he trained with Leroy Davis. What it’s like bodybuilding with diabetes. Is hard and heavy training making a comeback?...
Blood Sweat & Gear 79: Skip Hill, S2H and Scott McNally ar joined by special guest Jeff Black from the Excellence Cartel Podcast. The guys take listener questions from the Advices Radio Facebook group to have round table discussions on the following topics...
It’s Just Bodybuilding 27 with IFBB Pros Dusty Hanshaw and Big Ron Partlow. This week, toms of listener questions!
Presented by Code: ADVICES